Bandwidth & Boundaries

Perhaps you’ve noticed me a little less in your inbox. Perhaps you have missed my voice. Most likely, there have been plenty of other voices to keep you pulled into their noise.

I’ve been quiet. I’ve been healing. I’ve been creating space and boundaries, evaluating what matters in life. I could sit here and list all the changes in our life, but I don’t want to be grabby of your heartstrings. I don’t need empathy to understand why I’ve been quiet.

I just need you.

When I started Curated In Joy, part of me thought I would fizzle out in the first month. I didn’t believe in myself. It would be yet another failure I would add to my long list. Another one of my big dreams…vanishing into thin air. But it didn’t. I didn’t. Instead of shrinking under the bed, I gained my voice. Thank you for listening.

I am one of those New Year’s people who has a word for the year. Actually, this year I have two. My primary word is bandwidth. This word started concerning technology and can be defined with words like “wavelengths,” “frequencies,” and “electronic communications system.” However, Merriam-Webster also defines this as “the emotional or mental capacity necessary to do or consider something.” I am creating this margin to have greater bandwidth in 2020, but I must also set boundaries to create bandwidth. Boundaries are my secondary word. A necessary guideline I must embrace as a part of adulting.

”To do or consider something”… Can I tell you the truth? I have so much more in me I want to share through Curated In Joy. So much more I want to serve you, my readers, with. I recognize I have not had the room, the margin, and bandwidth to consider turning these ideas into reality.

By now, you are either enticed by all of this, or you aren’t reading anymore. Either way, I will be so bold as to ask you to be patient with me. Sit with me as I continue to heal. Be present in my navigation to what this will turn into (whatever “this” is). Let me know when you like something I’m doing. Encourage me when I feel lost. Correct me when I have gone off course.

You won’t hear from me every week anymore. This is a boundary I have set this year. I have other projects I am working on, and I realize my time spent weekly writing here was detracting my attention from these other areas. You will hear from me once a month. This is a commitment, both to you and me. Please, connect with me on Facebook & Instagram or more current life-living realness. Walking with you in your journey is just as valuable to me as having you present in my own life, and I look forward to where the journey will take us. Together.

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Lisa Garon

Living more like Jesus in our vocations, churches, and communities.


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