Mindful Versus Intentional

We are living in an age of high awareness. It’s easy to search for tips, articles, podcasts, and so on regarding how to live and more productive or intentional life. I know as I seek out these resources regularly. This inevitably engages me in these conversations frequently with all types of people, not the least of which is my sister Darlene. She and I were engaged in some conversation about habits and changes and all the things via Marco Polo, an app we’ve found helpful with a two-hour time difference now. We got talking about if there is really a difference between being mindful and being intentional. It sparked my interest, and I followed the trail right to the dictionary.

mind·ful | min(d)-fəl
:inclined to be aware

in·ten·tion·al | in-‘tench-nəl
:done by design


My End of Day. To demonstrate this difference, I invite you to the end of my typical day. Dinner is made. The dirty pans slumber on the range for the night. Lounging on the couch flipping through YouTube videos, I pick up my phone and jump between social scrolling and Angry Birds. At this moment, I am fully mindful of what I am doing. I am mindful of the glazed-over look on my face. I am mindful of the things I was determined to accomplish 12 hours earlier I have sloughed off in my day. I am fully mindful that in another 12 hours, the regret will wash over me because of my choice to neglect these responsibilities. Yet here I sit, refusing to move into any sort of intention which I will thank myself for later.

We found solace and comfort in each others’ discomfort for much of the beginning months of shelter-in-place orders. We told each other things like “Give yourself grace,” “Rest when you need,” and “It’s ok that things aren’t done how you want.” Every person in media communication was putting out articles and podcasts and stories and books to be the voices of reasoning and hacks to our chaotic adjustment to online school, closer-then-ever family time, and distanced work environments. We were encouraged to go on walks and take breaks throughout our workdays. For months this was all true and even needed. There was space for grace upon grace and junk food and too many Netflix binges. Our sanity came from our Facebook scrolls and the hope this bad dream would soon be over. We have all been very mindful, perhaps more aware than many of us might be ever in our life again.

Turning our eyes to Scripture, we look to Genesis and the story of Joseph, son of Jacob. He was his father’s favorite of twelve other children. God gifted Joseph with the ability to dream and interpret those dreams. Jacob lavished Joseph with special gifts, not the least of which was his famous multi-colored robe. While his brothers were away working, Joseph went on an errand from his father to bring them supplies and food. They saw him approaching and decided on a plot against him. Averting from murder, they threw him in a deep pit, only to sell him into slavery the next day to a traveling caravan. Convincing Jacob Joseph was dead, there was no one coming to search for him. If that wasn’t bad enough, sometime later, the wife of his master falsely accused him of sexual assault, which landed him promptly in prison. And there he sat in prison for some time. This was his new normal.

I read this, and my heart aches for Joseph, the once-loved, naive (and perhaps spoiled) boy had to rapidly grow up to the truth of his life: abandonment and hardship. My life looks pretty good compared to Joseph. This prompts me to ask a question today, raising a mirror in front of me. As I gaze into the reflection, is the time is drawing near to accept the new normal? How much more “grace” can I extend to myself before I must be held accountable for my actions? What is the next action God is calling me into so that I may lean more deeply into Him and bear the fruit of His spirit? These questions lead me into intentionality, or designing my days and taking thoughtful action.

The day-to-day actions that we take because we ARE mindful of ourselves, what we like about ourselves and what we dislike, and implementing the real change our circumstances force us into is the definition of intentionality practically laid out. Our circumstances are real. We are in a pandemic. We have survived the most tumultuous election year in modern history. We are in the midst of a civil movement for racial equality. We are attending meetings and classes and social gatherings virtually. We are required to wear masks everywhere we go. These are our real and hard circumstances.

Joseph had every right to sit in his misery. His life events left him rejected by those closest to him, falsely accused and slandered, and imprisoned. In each of these unfair circumstances, what I notice missing are any laments. I don’t hear Joseph crying out to God, “Where are you?” What I do see is a realization of his circumstances, then operating in those to the best place he can. Intentionality. Once sold into slavery, Joseph was put in charge of Potiphar’s household. It says in Genesis 39 that Potiphar “did not concern himself with anything except the food he ate.” This is how much Joseph was trusted. Once in prison, the warden put him in charge of all those held in prison. Verse 39 says, “The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.” Sound familiar? Spoiler Alert: Reading through the next few chapters, we see Joseph rise up to second in command to Pharaoh and ultimately saves not only the nation but his own family from severe famine!

I am no Joseph. I have lamented A LOT over the last year. I have lamented the loss of family members to cancer. I have lamented the loss of one community to enter a new one. I have lamented with the world about invisible dangers and social injustices. I have lamented a great division in our world, even among friends and families. I won’t ever be put in charge of a nation and save them from famine or create a vaccine or be the healing catalyst for social injustice at large.

What I can do is take what God has given me in my personality and identity, and intentionally take action in my sphere of influence. Intentionally, I can connect with another human, listen to their story, and share vulnerably my own. Intentionally, I can act in obedience to read God’s Word daily. Intentionally, I can take twenty minutes for a yoga video or go for a 30-minute autumn jaunt. Intentionally, I can be a wise steward of the resources given to me, both time and money. Even in the midst of hard, I can intentionally take action today, all to bring glory to His name.

Still, I find myself wrestling in self-pity at times. How long will I allow myself to sit in the prison of my own self-wallowing of my circumstances before I move into the next intentional act? What thoughts about my circumstances am I allowing to enslave me? These are questions I must push myself to honestly answer if I ever expect to receive true joy, no matter my circumstances.

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Lisa Garon

Living more like Jesus in our vocations, churches, and communities.


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