To Live Your Best Self

My alarm rings in my ear. I turn over my phone to see 5:30 am staring back at me as I swipe right to dismiss the melodious tune. I stir myself awake, peeking through my eyelids, the sun glimmering through my drapes. I start thinking through the day. I wrestle with picking up my phone first thing and start scrolling through my feeds. My mind becomes more alert and sits my body upright. I think something like I don’t want to do that. I want to get up. Seize the day! Be your best self!

Ok. I’m not quite that coherent right when I wake up, but I do the morning wrestle each day. I notice that as I get up and move about, those same condemning thought patterns continue. You aren’t living up to who you want to be. You really should have responded to that email sooner. You aren’t ever going to make it if you continue to lollygag through life. How could you make a mistake like THAT?

We hear this inspirational phrase, “Live Your Best Self.” What does that really look like? In the day-to-day trenches, when no one is looking, and you are far from your goal, what does this REALLY look like?

Here are a few things I’ve noticed that it looks like for me:

Waking up on a consistent schedule each day. Which also means going to bed at a similar time each night.

Setting aside intentional time. This intentional time takes on many different forms. Morning meditation and prayer, date nights with your significant other, or setting my phone aside for an hour to work on a hobby.

Taking care of my physical body. I can become so wrapped up in other things I feel are more important, like coffee with friends or the enjoyable experience of a dinner out. Prioritizing my routine health routine helps me preserve my body for longevity while giving me the confidence boost I need now.

Getting outside. This one is tough when you live in Narnia six months out of the year. Put on the extra scarf and go.

Recognize poor relationships in your life and that you may be a part of the cause! Recognizing and confessing my own negative cycles in relationships helps me to stay in a state of humility.

How about you? What is a piece that you have found to live your best self?

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Lisa Garon

Living more like Jesus in our vocations, churches, and communities.


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