Confession of a Lie + Three Ways to Make Scripture Accessible
When I was a teenager, I was a part of a children’s team at my church. This was no ordinary Sunday school class. Rather it was full of theatrical drama which spoke to my soul! I was a puppeteer, a mime, and an actress in vignette skits, and all of the content was teaching littles all about Jesus of Nazareth.
Well, part of our requirement to be a part of this team was to engage in daily devotions. It seems legitimate, right? We were given devotion sheets to fill out with the date, the passage we read, and a brief note about what we learned. So what’s my confession?
I lied on most of these documents. I often would fill these out, half-heartedly, and fudge details. It wasn’t necessarily that I didn’t want to read it or understand it (although that was the case sometimes). I mean, it totally made sense that a fifteen-year-old would be reading Habbakuk, right? Rather, it was often out of embarrassment that I couldn’t seem to understand it or appreciate it in the same way as others on my team.
I look back on my faux pas. I don’t blame that young girl for her embarrassment or even for her uncertainty in asking for help. Maybe you can relate to my younger self. My dear friend, do not hold shame or embarrassment for feeling unequipped to understand God’s word. Release the guilt you feel for your procrastination when it’s more accurately a lack of knowing where to begin.
What I have to offer you today is not some master plan to read the whole Bible in a year or a directive on becoming a master theologian. Today I offer you three ways you can easily start today.
Go mobile. You might not know you carry a Bible with you at all times. You do. There are many apps available for you to download, giving you access to God’s Word any time of the day or night. Below are just two of many to check out in your app store.
YouVersion Bible App This one is great because there are literally thousands of devotionals as well. This can help you to understand scripture in a new way and how to apply it to your day-to-day. Bonus: You can select from different translations for easy comparison between versions, finding the best fit for you.
Daily Audio Bible Maybe sitting down and reading the Bible is just too much for you right now. DAB provides the listener with daily readings of Scripture, filled with character and life. Their mission statement says it perfectly: “Our efforts are devoted to exposing the rich texture and heritage of the Bible’s life-changing power by educating the Believer on how to engage in and interact with the ancient Scriptures in a future world.”
Pick One. There is no need to race through the whole Bible in a year. You might miss the beauty of scripture if you race through it too quickly. Remove the pressure to check off a list of sixty-six books and allow even just one book to radically transform you. My favorite places to start are John, Romans, or Psalms. So pick one of these, or a different one, and work slowly through it, maybe even a few verses at a time. Allow God to meet you in this slow pace.
Jot it Down. I’m not referring to journaling. I’m talking about the thirty-eight to-dos which pop into your head whenever you try to sit and do anything for yourself, even reading the Bible. Get a notepad or use your reminders app to jot those down and save it for later. This will help to clear your mind and focus for ten or so minutes on what’s right in front of you.
I have two more ideas for you, as well as a few questions to ask as you read through the Bible. If you didn’t already get your copy, email us at Not only will you get my Intentional Bible Reading Worksheet… You will also join our Weekly Connection, a time for us to give you an encouraging word, pray for you, and keep you posted on anything new happening around Head ‘n Heart Space.
If you found value in this post, you may also find value in this one on how to meditate on God’s word.